Abstract painting of a beach by Samuel John Peploe

The Sands, Barra, Samuel John Peploe

My Commonplace Book

Quotes, witty turns of phrase, and insightful points from my reading

Abstract painting of a beach by Samuel John Peploe

The Sands, Barra, Samuel John Peploe

The Privilege of Stillness

Noel Crowe, a 78-year-old man, reminisces about his life in a small Irish village nearly 60 years before. He marvels at the strange new acquaintance sitting beside him all those many years ago.

A Church You Could Bear

Rainy, the narrator in Leif Enger’s novel I Cheerfully Refuse, throws a birthday party for his wife, Lark. Friends, neighbors, and even strangers have gathered at Rainy and Lark’s home to celebrate. While his band performs for the gathering, Rainy reflects on what he once hoped the church might be like.

Cultivating Wholeness

Todd Wilson argues that many Evangelical approaches to spiritual formation fail because they don’t foster integration or wholeness.