A painting by Teodor Ziomek titled 'Dawn Over Water — Marshes'

The Privilege of Stillness

Reflections from a young seminary dropout

Noel Crowe, a 78-year-old man, reminisces about his life in a small Irish village nearly 60 years before. He marvels at the strange new acquaintance sitting beside him all those many years ago.

Some people understand the privilege of stillness and can sit and breathe and look and hear and smell the world turning and let what’s next wait the while.

— Nial Williams, This is Happiness (London: Bloomsbury, 2019), 38.

The Weary Pilgrim

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Ryan serves as a pastor at Grace Bible Church. His ministry ranges from preaching, teaching, and writing, to listening, being present, and walking with others through some of life’s most difficult experiences.

He lives with his wife and children in Escondido, California.

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A 1931 painting by Franklin Carmichael titled 'Bay of Islands'

A Church You Could Bear

One man’s complicated relationship with the church
Painting titled 'A Northern Silver Mine' by Franklin Carmichael, 1930

Poetry Makes Reality Real Again

A poet commends poetry’s power to wake us up