Painting of two fishermen by Thomas Doughty

Two Fishermen, Thomas Doughty, 1828


A collection of prayers I’ve written for personal devotion and public worship

Painting of two fishermen by Thomas Doughty

Two Fishermen, Thomas Doughty, 1828

purple and maroon abstract painting photo

Grant Us Grace To Walk in Your Ways

A collect based on Psalm 112. "Our Lord and our God, you whose Word is light and life, grant us grace to walk in your ways, so that we may embody your grace, mercy, and justice…"

You Who Hear the Cry of the Distressed, Hear Us

A prayer on behalf of those who live with anxiety, using the collect pattern. Our God and Heavenly Father, you who hear the cry of the distressed, hear us. Listen to our groanings—our pleas for relief from the gnawing pain of our anxieties…

A Prayer for the Vulnerable

A collect inspired by the biblical story of Ruth. "O Lord, under whose wings Ruth the Moabite found refuge, grant that your Church may embody your protective care for the vulnerable…"