Hi, I’m Ryan.

I pastor a church in Southern California. I preach, teach, and write. I sit with others in their sorrows and their joys. And I walk with people through some of life’s most difficult experiences.

An 1892 painting by George Inness titled 'The Lonely Farm, Nantucket' An 1892 painting by George Inness titled 'The Lonely Farm, Nantucket'

On Anxiety

A feeble attempt to describe the indescribable Feb 07, 2025 • Ryan Wentzel


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A 1917 painting of a forest stream by Teodor Ziomek

The Ancient Roots of a Classic Advent Hymn

December 2024

More than any other hymn, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” signals the start of the Advent season. It’s a beautiful piece of music with its haunting tune and lyrics full of longing, anticipation, and hope. Christians have sung this hymn for centuries.

An 1835–1836 painting by George Catlin titled 'Dubuque’s Grave, Upper Mississippi'

The Grace of the Morning

September 2024

Zack Eswine writes, “Sometimes I greet the morning like a troubled atheist, lost in a god-empty story that cannot handle what frightens me…On such mornings, I need the name of Jesus spoken and his true story told to me afresh.”


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Circa 1888 painting by Benjamin Williams Leader titled 'An Old Worcester Farm, An October Day After Rain' Circa 1888 painting by Benjamin Williams Leader titled 'An Old Worcester Farm, An October Day After Rain'

You Uphold My Life

My gracious God and Father, you who uphold my life by your almighty power, keep me through all that this day brings.

My Favorite Commentaries on 1 & 2 Samuel

Are you interested in studying 1 & 2 Samuel? Looking for resources to consult for a sermon series. Here are the books and commentaries I’ve found helpful in my preaching and teaching.



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The Privilege of Stillness

Noel Crowe, a 78-year-old man, reminisces about his life in a small Irish village nearly 60 years before. He marvels at the strange new acquaintance sitting beside him all those many years ago.

A Church You Could Bear

Rainy, the narrator in Leif Enger’s novel I Cheerfully Refuse, throws a birthday party for his wife, Lark. Friends, neighbors, and even strangers have gathered at Rainy and Lark’s home to celebrate. While his band performs for the gathering, Rainy reflects on what he once hoped the church might be like.

Songs of Lament and Hope

A playlist for those who are grieving, hurting, or suffering. It makes space for both lament and hope in our faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.


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