Balboa Park Conservatory in San Diego, California

For the Sake of the World

A pastoral prayer

A pastoral prayer delivered on November 24, 2024, at Grace Bible Church in Escondido, California.

Our God and Father, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we lift up hearts filled with gratitude to you.

Thank you for the many blessings you’ve poured out on us. Thank you for creating us. Thank you for providing for us and sustaining our very lives. Thank you for redeeming us through your Son and calling us to be your people. Thank you for gathering us together today as the church, a sign and foretaste of the new humanity in Christ. Thank you for unending mercy and inexhaustible grace. Thank you for giving us your Word. Your Word is truth. Your Word is life. And for millions of other gifts, thank you, Father.

We know and confess that you’ve blessed us, not simply for our own sake but for the sake of the world. So that all nations might know you are Lord and Creator. So that the City of Escondido might hear of your mighty deeds. So that our city might celebrate your amazing grace.

Forgive us, Father, for enjoying the immense privileges of the gospel but shunning the responsibility it brings. Forgive us, Father, for failing to embody your kingdom in our life together and in our vocations in the world. Forgive us for our proud hearts and gossiping lips. Forgive our selfishness. Forgive our self-absorption. Our tribalism. Our indifference to our neighbors. We’ve not been the light to the nations you’ve called us to be. Have mercy on us, Father. Be gracious to us because of Christ. Renew us and form us more and more into the Body of Christ for the sake of the world.

We pray for the many needs in our city. Quality schools. Affordable housing. Shelter and food for so many who live on the streets. Give the City Council wisdom as they govern. Give them clear thinking. Give them creativity as they tackle difficult problems.

Father, we think of our friends at Life Mission Church here in Escondido. We thank you for their faith. We thank you for their loyalty to Jesus Christ. We thank you for their love for your people and your world. Continue to grow them in the gospel. Make them rooted and grounded in Christ so that through them Escondido might see your love and your grace.

Lord, we ask that you continue to bless the discipleship relationships in our church. Cause deep and lasting friendships to form. For those being discipled, Lord, grow them in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Shape them and mold them more and more according to the image of Christ, for the sake of the world.

We also remember before you this morning Name and Name. Give grace, Lord. Draw near to them. Be their Rock and Refuge. Give Name wisdom as she plans for Name’s care. Likewise, we pray for Name and Name. Be their hope and their strength. We pray for healing and renewed health. Strengthen Name and Name. Let the roots of their hope and faith sink down deep into your love and sovereignty.

We pray for those among us who are in their latter years. Make them oaks of righteousness. Beautify them with wisdom and grace. Help them to finish well.

For those who have many more years ahead of them — help them to know your will and do your will. Let them use the gifts and opportunities you’ve them to their fullest, for the sake of the world.

For all of us, Father, strengthen us with your power for all endurance and patience with joy as we eagerly wait for King Jesus to come again and make all things new.

Hear us, Father. Answer us quickly. We ask in the wonderful name of our exalted King and Savior, your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

The Weary Pilgrim

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Ryan serves as a pastor at Grace Bible Church. His ministry ranges from preaching, teaching, and writing to listening, being present, and walking with others through some of life’s most difficult experiences.

He lives with his wife and children in Escondido, California.

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