If you ask a pastor or theologian to tell you about the God of the Bible, they will probably rattle off a string of big words like omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. Those words are fine; they tell us true things about God. But they’re as dull as dishwater.
If you ask an ancient Hebrew prophet the same thing, you will receive a much different answer. The Old Testament prophets would say God is a roaring lion, a blazing fire, and a mighty warrior. He’s a shepherd who binds up his flock’s wounds and a nursing mother who soothes her child. The prophet Zephaniah would tell you that God is a lover — he so loves and delights in his people that he serenades them with love songs. That’s the picture Zephaniah paints. He tells of a future time when God comes to dwell among his people again, and when he comes, he will sing over his beloved ones.
Listen as Ryan preaches an Advent message from Zephaniah 3:14—20.
This sermon was preached on December 15, 2024, at Grace Bible Church in Escondido, California.