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The Unsharability of Pain

Pain isolates and silences the sufferer

Whatever pain achieves, it achieves in part through its unsharability, and it ensures this unsharablity through its resistance to language.

— Elaine Scarry, The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), 4

The Weary Pilgrim

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Ryan serves as a pastor at Grace Bible Church. His ministry ranges from preaching, teaching, and writing to listening, being present, and walking with others through some of life’s most difficult experiences.

He lives with his wife and children in Escondido, California.

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Learning to Tolerate Anxiety

Healing from an anxiety disorder is less about making anxious feelings go away and more about learning to tolerate them
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Burying the “Unclaimed Dead”

Nearly 2,000 are laid to rest in a communal gravesite in Los Angeles